Friday, January 05, 2007

Master Cleanse 2007 Day 1: Grumpy For Totally Different Reasons

If you've been to this blog lately, you know I start my Weight Loss Challenge 2007 today. My goal is to lose 40 pounds by May 25th, plus an additional 20 or so later in the year.

I'm kicking-off the weight loss challenge (sponsored by me and the other moderators at the Yahoo group "mastercleanse") with a 10-day master cleanse. You would think my 5th cleanse would be a breeze, but alas, I'm fasting also from something new in my life... my man. When fasting for spiritual reasons, the goal is to kill "fleshly" desires so focus can remain on prayer and hearing from God.

Grumpiness is a normal part of fasting. It is one of the most common symptoms reported by the members of our group. But today, on Day 1, I am experiencing a whole new "grump."

Why?? Because a romantic relationship interferes with fasting, so I had to put Vic in a box until the fast is over. Because he's the sweetheart he is, he agreed to keep from contact and spend his time giving up bad habits and praying for us. In spite of the sincerity of the gesture, I miss the one whose voice has become daily music in my ears.

Stay tuned for daily updates about the cleanse/fast and Weight Loss Challenge. True to my form, you'll get the candid truth about how my days are going, plus tips and tricks to help you cleanse with success.


Blu Jewel said...

I wish there was a master cleanse for residual emotions. I'd certainly be the performing one of those right now. I know you'll succeed with the cleanse although the cleanse that will ensue upon completion of this one, won't be for public knowledge. **wink**

Anonymous said...

I'm in the midst of my 1st master cleanse. It's been pretty easy so far. Im on day 6 and feeling fine. I assume it gets harder as you go, but I'm up for the challenge.