Wednesday, January 25, 2006

LIfe After Cleansing

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Life after cleansing is a huge new priority for me. Are we required to go back to the Standard American Diet, and feeling like crap, so we can escape through the euphoria of another cleanse a few months later?

My goal is to see how good I can feel, how healthy I can feel, for how long after a cleanse. Here's a recent post I sent to the great gang at the Yahoo mastercleanse group:

Yesterday was my first real "day off" day.
As many of you know, my plan for life after the cleanse includes (by week):

1. 64 to 80 ounces of water per day (I thought that was a gallon, but it's just half a gallon!)
2. four days of eating right, including the quality of food and attention to total caloric intake - with a focus on good fruits, veggies, whole grains, and good protein (e.g. limit or avoid red meat)
3. one day of fasting (Wednesday, water and some fresh juice only)
4. two days "off" of fairly unmonitored eating

On my first real "day off", I had lunch at my favorite restaurant (tilapia in butter cream sauce and ceasar) and 3 Tastykake cupcakes. I also had water, nuts, and fruit in between.

Well let me tell you, I felt lousy by the end of the nite. I don't think I ever want to see a Tastykake again! What surprised me most was how my next morning went...

By this AM, I wasn't feeling like the glowing ball of vibrant life that I was getting used to. I almost felt "blue." I even thought about starting the day with a Wawa cappuccino! I wanted "relief" and found myself craving the wrong stuff.

My mind wandered back to the kind of eating day I had, and I realized how much food really does affect our emotional state and why cleansing is such a euphoric time. Imagine how terribly we eat on a daily basis sometimes. We really do adjust to being "sick and tired" all the time. Remember how the school was able to eliminate behavior problems in the movie "Super Size" when they switched to a healthy hot lunch program?

I'm really ready to challenge my post-cleanse guideline of "two days off" for eating. I feel like I'm gonna spend this entire fasting day (today) trying to recover from the crap I ate yesterday.

I've even changed the date for my next cleanse from June/July to April. There's no way I'm waiting that long in between cleans
es. LOL


Blu Jewel said...

It's amazing how much food that is supposedly a treat, makes you feel like crap. I haven't been on a cleanse for a while, but had altered my meals to include more fiber, and other beneficial foods. Though I'm known for eating well, I have a love for cakes and some other sweets. Since, cutting back on unnecessary calories disguised as treats, I've had a hard time indulging myself. Well, the other day was a friend's birthday and I ate a big piece of cake only to feel like crap afterward. My body was like, "what the )%*#%)* are you doing?" I had to concur with it and apologize. I tried to explain that it was a special occasion etc, but it really didn't want to hear it and I promptly felt lethargic. Though I ate a balanced meal, my body still could not adjust well to the "treat", thus telling me, they were unneeded and I needed to stick with the fruits and such that I'd been eating.

I will continue my fiber infused meals and my good eating habits and leave the "treats" alone. It's apparent that I don't need them and I've also lost 6lbs. And you know weight loss is ALWAYS a good thing.

Be well!

Hawa Bond said...

BluJewel... you speak the truth! I have decided that strange food cravings and addictions are the same as any other (e.g. cigarettes). We know the results, we feel like crap afterwards, but we pay the price for the one moment of pleasure. LOL Thanks for stopping by!