Monday, October 10, 2005

Cleanse Day 2: Part I, Dormant Volcano

October 10, 2005

Aw shucks. I feel great today. I was using 1/2 the Maple Syrup from the recipe yesterday, and didn't realize it. The correct amount makes the lemonade too sweet, so I cut it by 1 tbsp per 2 cups. Aaaah.

True to the promise, I'm not hungry after my second day with no food. It's only 4:00pm on the second day, but the average person would be hungry by now.

I also realize that Day 2 is the calm before the storm. According to most accounts, the most challenging days are Day 3 and Day 4... where the body really starts throwing off toxins and waste buildup.

My face is greasy and getting that "I'm gonna erupt on you any minute now" look. If you've ever had acne or PMS skin problems, you know what I'm talking about.

Although my stomach doesn't feel hungry, it's getting that "I'm gonna erupt in a homage to the Porcelain God" feeling.

The worst part of the day was "trying" to do the Salt Water Flush. It took me 2 minutes to down 1/2 the mixture, and was only able to add a few sips 3 minutes later. I suspect I didn't get the benefit I needed, but I literally *couldn't* get it down. What I was able to get down was already playing peek-a-boo with my throat... threatening to re-enter the world.

I suspect that between now and bedtime, I'll have more to report. I promise a Part II tomorrow.

Tidbits for those thinking about going thru the cleanse:

1. I purchased 18 lemons. Based on my squeezing method, I require 1 whole lemon for 1 glass of lemonade. I was feelin' pretty good in the store, but doing the math meant I only had 3 day's worth. Get LOTS of lemons. LOL

2. Guidelines say you can alter the amount of Maple Syrup - more if you wanna gain weight, less if you wanna lose more weight. I'm not really concerned about the weight, but the full amount is just too sweet for me.

3. The Salt Water Flush is as hard as many say it is. It turned this trooper into a whimp.

4. Buy moist personal wipes (not the ones for your hands... the ones for more "personal" cleansing). I bet these will come in handy during the day, when you want to feel fresh. It's not the frequency... it's the consistency. (Hey, just being honest to help somebody LOL)

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